Data modeling
Dimensions and Measures

Dimensions and Measures

Dimensions and Measures define how your data is segmented and summarized. For example:

  - name: country
    title: 'Country of origin'
    sql: country
    type: string 
  - name: count
    type: count
    title: "# of Customers"

With a single country dimension and a count measure, the following queries can be generated:

  • Total customers (count of all rows).
  • Customers by country (grouped by the country column).
  • Filtered counts (e.g. customers in a specific country).


Dimensions are the fields you want to filter or group by.

  • Dimensions must come from columns in the base table you define using sql_table or sql.

  • You can define a dimension for every column if you want all columns exposed, but you don't need to.

    - name: email
      title: "Email Address"
      sql: email
      type: string
    - name: country
      title: "Country"
      sql: country
      type: string
    - name: created_at
      title: "Created at"
      sql: created_at
      type: time

Basic Structure

Each dimension has:

  • name: A unique identifier (no spaces or special characters).
  • title (optional): A user-friendly name for display in the UI.
  • sql: The column or SQL expression from your base table/query.
  • type: The data type (string, number, time, geo).
  • primary_key (optional): Set this to true if it uniquely identifies rows.


  • Combining first and last names
    Instead of defining separate dimensions for first_name and last_name, create a full_name dimension using an SQL expression:

      - name: full_name
        title: "Full Name"
        type: string
        sql: CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)
  • Converting Unix timestamps
    If your table stores timestamps in Unix time, convert them to a date/time:

      - name: created_at
        title: "Signed Up At"
        type: time
        sql: TO_TIMESTAMP(created_at)
  • Applying numeric conversions
    For currency or other numeric transformations, use a calculated expression:

      - name: price
        title: "Price in Dollars"
        type: number
        sql: price_in_cents / 100.0
  • Anonymizing or Transforming Data
    Use SQL expressions to mask or obfuscate sensitive columns before exposing them in the UI. For example, if you only want to show part of a user’s email:

      - name: email_prefix
        title: "Email Prefix"
        type: string
        sql: SUBSTRING(email, 1, POSITION('@' IN email) - 1)


Measures are the values you aggregate (such as a count of users or total revenue).

    - name: revenue
      type: sum
      sql: price_usd

Basic Structure

Each measure has:

  • name: A unique internal identifier.

  • title (optional): A user-friendly name for display in the UI.

  • type: The measure type (e.g., count, sum, avg).

  • sql: Points to the column or expression you want to aggregate.

  • filters (optional): A condition for a metric's calculation.

          - name: us_revenue
            type: sum
            sql: price_usd
              - sql: "{CUBE}.country = 'United States'"
  • meta (optional): a parameter to store additional information for a measure. E.g. use meta to pass a $ symbol for a currency column or any other custom info you want to access in your charting components.

          - name: price
            title: price in USD
            type: sum
            sql: price_usd
              pretext: $

    Embeddable's Starter Components support pretext out of the box.

Supported Measure Types

Embeddable (via Cube) supports the following measure types:


  • Basic Count

      - name: total_customers
        title: "Total Customers"
        type: count
        sql: id
  • Summing a Numeric Column

      - name: total_sales
        title: "Total Sales"
        type: sum
        sql: amount
  • Average Order Value

      - name: average_order_value
        title: "Average Order Value"
        type: avg
        sql: total_price
  • Count Distinct (e.g., unique emails)

      - name: unique_customers
        title: "Unique Customers"
        type: count_distinct
        sql: email
  • Calculated measures

This example demonstrates how to reference measures within other measure definitions.

  - name: count
    sql: id
    type: count
  - name: paid_orders
    title: "Paid Orders"
    sql: id
    type: count
      - sql: "{CUBE}.status = 'paid'"
  - name: percentage_paid
    sql: "100.0 * {paid_orders} / {count}"
    type: number
    format: percent
  • Rolling Count
    This measure counts orders over a rolling window, allowing you to track an ongoing total:

        - name: rolling_count
          type: count
          title: "Rolling Orders"
          description: "Cumulative count"
            trailing: unbounded

For more details, see the Cube docs on rolling windows (opens in a new tab).