Data modeling
Row level security

Row-level security

For customer-facing analytics, each end-user should only see the data they’re allowed to see and nothing more. That’s why row-level security is a first-class citizen in Embeddable.

Security Tokens and Security Context

Embeddable dashboards are embedded in your site via an HTML web component:

  • The token parameter (a security token) must be retrieved server-side from our Tokens API each time a user accesses your Embeddable dashboard.

  • When requesting this security token, you also send a security context. This is simply a JSON object containing any fields you need to pass to your data models:

POST /api/v1/security-token
securityContext: { 
    userId: 45, 
    orgId: "9sZSJ9LHsiYXR0cmlidXRlIjoiZ2VvaXBf",
    countries: ['us-east', 'eu-west']
{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI..." }

How to use the Security Context

The security context is automatically available inside your data models, and is accessed like so:

  - name: orders
    title: "Orders"
    sql: >
      SELECT * FROM public.orders
      WHERE org_id = '{ COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.orgId }'
      AND user_id = { COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.userId }

Or, if your customer data is split by schema:

  - name: orders
    title: "Orders"
    sql_table: "{ COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.orgId }.orders"

If you’re unsure how best to approach data security, reach out to us—we’re here to help.

Using Jinja for Dynamic SQL

Jinja (docs (opens in a new tab)) is used under the hood to compile SQL. The { ... } notation in your model files is replaced before sending the query to your database. For example:

  - name: customers
    title: "My customers"
    sql: >
      SELECT * 
      FROM public.customers 
      WHERE orgId = '{ COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.ordId }'

compiles to:

FROM public.customers
WHERE ordId = 'abc123'

Conditional SQL

The nice thing about Jinja is that it also allows conditional logic for more advanced scenarios:

  - name: customers
    title: "My customers"
    sql: >
      SELECT * 
      FROM public.customers
      {% if COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.superUser %}
        WHERE 1 = 1
      {% else %}
        WHERE organisationId = '{ COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.organisationId }'
      {% endif %}

For users flagged as superUser, the compiled SQL becomes:

FROM public.customers
WHERE 1 = 1

Multiple Values

When your security context contains an array (e.g. a list of allowed countries), use the list helper:

  - name: customers
    title: "My customers"
    sql: >
      SELECT *
      FROM public.customers
      WHERE country IN {{ list(COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.countries) }}

If countries is ["United States", "Canada", "Mexico"], the resulting SQL looks like:

FROM public.customers
WHERE country IN ('United States', 'Canada', 'Mexico')

Testing Security Contexts in Embeddable

To try out different security contexts in the no-code builder, define them in your repo at src/presets/

- name: Nike
    orgId: org5
    userId: 23478
- name: Adidas
    orgId: 23
    userId: cmlidXRlIjoiZ2VvaXBf9sZSJ9LHsiYXR0

Each entry appears under the “View as” dropdown in the builder:

Image 0

Switch between contexts to preview your dashboard as different users.