Data modeling

Level 2 Cache: pre-aggregations

In addition to the Level 1 in-memory cache, Embeddable leverages Cube's Level 2 cache through pre-aggregations to enhance query performance and scalability.

Pre-aggregations compute and store aggregations (like sums, averages, counts) in advance, rather than calculating them on-the-fly for each query. When a query matches the structure of a pre-aggregation, results are retrieved directly from the pre-aggregated table instead of scanning raw data, significantly speeding up response times.

  • Pre-aggregations need to be configured - they are not enabled by default.
  • They can significantly speed up query responses, including during a dashboard's initial load.
  • Pre-aggregations are refreshed using Embeddable's Caching API.

If you're connecting to a Redshift database, please contact us to discuss setting up pre-aggregations, as the Redshift driver requires write-access.

Defining Pre-Aggregations

One or multiple pre-aggregations can be specified directly within your .cube.yml model files.

A simple example

Suppose you want to display a list of countries across various dashboard components. You can define a pre-aggregation like so:

  - name: customers
    sql_table: public.customers
      - name: count
        type: count
        title: "Number of Customers"
      - name: country
        sql: country
        type: string
        - name: customer_countries
          - country
  • name: an identifier used by Cube and Embeddable.
  • dimensions: Specifies the dimensions to group by.

When a dashboard query requests the number of customers per country, Cube retrieves the data from the customer_countries pre-aggregated table instead of scanning the entire customers table.

An example with a time dimension

To handle time-based analytics, such as tracking daily sales, you can define a pre-aggregation like so:

  - name: orders
    sql_table: public.orders
      - name: country
        sql: country
        type: string
      - name: created_at
        sql: created_at
        type: time
      - name: total_sales
        type: sum
        sql: amount
        title: "Total Sales"
      - name: daily_sales
          - total_sales
        time_dimension: created_at 
        granularity: day
  • timeDimension: Specifies the time dimension to handle time-based aggregations.
  • granularity: Defines the level of detail for the aggregation (day in this case).

Learn more about defining pre-aggregations by visiting Cube's documentation (opens in a new tab).

Refreshing pre-aggregations

Pre-aggregations in Cube need to be refreshed periodically to ensure they stay up to date with the latest data. This process involves recalculating the pre-computed summary tables based on your defined measures and dimensions.

By default, pre-aggregations are not refreshed. You must call Embeddable's Caching API at least once to set the refresh interval and the security contexts to refresh.

Caching API

Use Embeddable’s Caching API to tell us which security contexts to refresh and how often:

fetch('https://api.<region>', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}` // Keep your API key secure
  body: JSON.stringify({
    refreshInterval: "30 minutes",
    scheduledRefreshContexts: [
        securityContext: {
          userId: '9sZSJ9LHsiYXR0cmli',
          regions: ['us-east', 'eu-west']
        environment: 'default'
Status 204 (No Content)
  • region: your deployment region.
  • apiKey: your API key
  • refreshInterval: the refresh interval, in minutes, hours, or days.
  • securityContext: a JSON object passed to your data models to enforce row-level security.
  • environment: the environment (e.g. staging / prod, or a specific database for a single-tenant set up), pre-defined using our Environments API.

If you load a dashboard using a security token containing a security context that has not been configured via the Caching API, no cache will be available for that dashboard.

Each time you call this it will override the previous settings. For example, if you want to stop a security context from refreshing, just call the API again without that security context.